The Rock Christian Youth Center
About The Rock Christian Youth Center
Developing Disciples Through Christ-Centered Opportunities
The Rock's Core Values:
The Rock strives to be a Christ-based, inter-denominational youth center that shows forth the Love of Christ to the Norton county area.
The Rock strives to provide a safe and accepting environment, free of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs.
The Rock strives to provide an atmosphere where youth can be encouraged in their faith and in turn encourage their home church. Un-churched youth will be encouraged to become a member of a local congregation.
The Rock strives to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the youth in a culturally relevant way while maintaining the historical truths of the Christian faith.
The Rock strives to help each youth to realize his or her uniqueness and special God given abilities that each alone possesses.

MatchDay Fundraising Project
Name of Project/Initiative: Roof Replacement
Fundraising Goal: $15,000
Project Description: The Rock is needing to replace the roof and fix the skylights which are currently leaking. Because the building is utilized for many personal and organized events, it is vital to maintain the structural integrity of the facility.
How the project will benefit Norton County
The Rock sponsors an event every Friday night for junior high students, and is also used by schools, churches, and clubs for personal celebrations and meetings. The building is part of downtown history and needs to be maintained so that it can continue to be a place for youth and community members alike to enjoy.
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