The Safety/Security category focuses on necessary improvements within the county to ensure the peace of mind of all residents.
Identified Goals:
Create a county law enforcement center
Revitalize county and city infrastructure and make necessary improvements
Invest in clean energy options
View water as a resource
Lower utility rates and costs
Repair streets, curbs, and sidewalks
Establish a sidewalk along Highway 36
Build a bridge for school crosswalks
Grants Given Totaling $35,831.32:
City of Norton received a grant in 2015 to purchase mobile radios for the fire department.
Norton County Emergency Management received a grant in 2016 to purchase and distribute 200 weather radios to Norton County residents.
Norton County Emergency Management received a grant in 2016 to purchase four handheld radios to be used by firefighting personnel.
Norton Kansas Police Department received a grant in 2017 to purchase and install six radio units in police cars.
Norton County Community Foundation received a grant in 2017 from a Donor Advised Fund to host a law enforcement appreciation dinner for the county.
City of Almena received a grant in 2018 for the fire department to purchase bunker gear, wildland gear, and two Scott packs to outfit the 20 volunteer firefighters.