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Give the Gift of Grain

As you plant, nurture, and grow your crops, our foundation plants, nurtures, and grows each gift entrusted to us.

Why Give Grain?

  • Reduces income from grain sales

  • Allows full deduction of production costs

  • Reduces taxable income

  • Minimizes self-employment tax

  • Provides a charitable gift that could benefit generations to come 

Steps to Give Grain

  1. Deliver grain to elevator.

  2. Donor completes Gift of Grain Form.

  3. Donor informs elevator and the Foundation of intent to donate a set amount of grain.

  4. Elevator contacts GNWKCF for authorization to sell grain for local foundation.

  5. Elevator sends the check, Git of Grain Form, and warehouse receipt to GNWKCF.

  6. GNWKCF deposits gift to the charitable fund and a gift receipt is sent to the farmer. 

Norton County Community Foundation is an affiliate of Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation. All gifts made will remain for the benefit noted within the "Fund Designation" instructions. Your gift stays local!


Please call (785-874-5106) or email. We're here to help.

112 S. Kansas, Suite 203

Norton, Kansas 67654


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