For the fifth consecutive year, Norton County has received money from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation for Strategic Doing. This process allows community members to share their goals for the county, form groups, and take action on specific initiatives. In the past, plans have been designed to meet goals in different areas, including Business Development, Housing, and Travel & Tourism.
Examples of projects that were supported through this process include the PRIDE revitalization project in Lenora, playground equipment at Eisenhower Elementary School in Norton, and the development of the Almena Farmers Market.
The 2019 Envision Norton community meeting and luncheon will take place on July 17 from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM at the Bullseye Event Center in Norton. Community members from across the county are invited to attend and participate in a discussion around the questions: “Where are we going?” and “How will we get there?”
This is an opportunity to envision what our county will look like for future generations. When it comes to creating a framework for smart growth, every voice counts. Your ideas and vision will help to create a county-wide scope of work toward supporting business, citizens, and the quality of life for Norton County residents. As ideas flow, we will develop strategies that are achievable in the immediate future.
Please join us and be part of this strategic effort to move Norton County forward.
For more information, contact the Norton County Community Foundation at (785) 874-5106, the Norton Area Chamber of Commerce at (785) 877-2501, or Economic Development at (785) 874-4816.