Norton, Kansas, May 2021 – At a recent event with regional and statewide resource partners, Norton County Community Foundation announced the Norton County Endowment for the Arts. This field of interest fund is the first of its kind at the foundation, with a sole purpose of supporting arts and culture-related projects in Norton County. Arts and culture have long been tied to economic development, meaning this fund will not only support programming but will help advance NCCF’s mission and vision.
The founding gift was made by an anonymous donor who was inspired by two recent investments into Norton County by outside organizations. Between the Smithsonian Crossroads exhibit currently on display in the Heaton Building and the Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission mural being painted downtown, Norton has seen a recent wave of arts-related activity. The intent of this fund is to continue that momentum and help spark new, creative arts programming across Norton County.
“We are thrilled to announce this new fund,” said Tara Vance. “NCCF has granted multiple arts and culture projects in the past; however, when we looked at the big picture of where our funding was going, there was admittedly a gap in the arts sector. Thanks to this donor and the creation of this new fund, NCCF will be able to support the arts in a new and exciting way.”
The fund’s donor has offered their gift as a challenge grant and asks the community to join them in raising the initial capital for the endowment. Those wishing to contribute to the fund can do so by contacting NCCF at 785-874-5106 or online at The fund is also available as an option for people wishing to include the arts in their estate planning.
For more information, please contact Tara Vance at 785.874.5106 or
About Norton County Community Foundation
The Norton County Community Foundation was established in 1994 for the purpose of supporting local charitable activities in Norton County through endowments made to the foundation. Dedicated to serving today for tomorrow, to make our community a better place in which to live. Connect with the Norton County Community Foundation at