Leap of FaithE
About Leap of FaithE
Established in 2021, Leap of FaithE Foundation strives to support all involved in the adoptive process. Rooted with a focus of weaving strong relationships with sound mental health support, the foundation wants to hold hands with all parties involved to celebrate making adoption an easier choice. The foundation awards funds through an application process that adoptive and birth parents complete together. For more information, visit their website.
MatchDay Fundraising Project
Name of Project/Initiative: General Funds for Operations
Fundraising Goal: $10,000
Project Description: Funds raised during Match Day will be used to support general operating/program costs. General funds are used for promotion, encouragement, education, and ultimately, adoption. Leap of FaithE has grown substantially in the short time they have been established. Their ultimate goal is to help fund infant adoption, a cost esteemed to be about $20,000. In the meantime, Leap of FaithE continues to educate the public, promote, and encourage.
How the project will benefit Norton County
Leap of FaithE has been featured on local media sectors such as the radio, TV stations, magazines, and newspapers. Their most recent connections have been supported by NCHS Kay Club as well as Abiding Love Charities out of Florida. Leap of FaithE has a national vision but will always bring the spotlight back to Norton.
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